Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Off the Grid Exhibition

On Friday the 7th of June, we hosted our end of year show which was an exhibition of all our best work. Our exhibition was held in a defunct shop which group A and group B were asked to renovate and redecorate.

The show started at 5.30pm on Friday at the college looking through work done by the level 1&2 graphics students, then at around 6.15pm we moved down the shop at Long market to view the level 3 graphic design students work. In the shop there was one piece of work from each student in group A and B on the wall printed to A1 and a small description written by each student showing what they have learned since they started the course.

Upon arrival there were free appetisers and drinks for both students and their families/friends while they viewed all the different work within the exhibition. Each student on the course was given an allocated job for the show and asked to forefill that roll during the exhibition. My allocated job was Security with Mike Waller. We were asked to make sure that the whole show ran smoothly and welcomed all the guests upon their entry to the exhibition.

In my opinion the exhibition went very well, everyone made sure they completed their rolls to their full potential and all the guests seemed very happy during the show. Towards the end of the show both my tutors made a speech about the students on the course and the exhibition.

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