I like the lay out of this web page, I think that the work is laid out in a very balanced way and the type and illustration in the middle very much speak for itself. Its got a very old style,with a retro type for the heading.
This web page is very much a type based website, as there is no visible imagery. The type is big and bold which gets the point across straight to the person viewing with no funny business. At the top of the website is a
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Creating a button in Adobe Flash
Today we created a button in adobe flash player. We did this by opening Adobe Flash player and creating a new document. The first thing we did was create a button, by making a shape on the blank page and converting it to a symbol. We went to a tab called modify then down to convert to symbol.
this is a screenshot of how to convert your button to a symbol.
here i am showing the changes i have made to the button in its layer and the states (up,down,over,hit) to have their own individual colour so they change when have interaction.

here i am showing the changes i have made to the button in its layer and the states (up,down,over,hit) to have their own individual colour so they change when have interaction.

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